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To Show You the Content of Magnesite and Distribution?

Created on:2022-06-24 11:10

To Show You the Content of Magnesite and Distribution?


Magnesium is a key industrial metal that can be extracted from different series of base materials. while magnesite is one of the key sources of magnesium compound extraction. Magnesium compounds can also be extracted from dolomite, forsterite, brucite ore, and magnesium-containing salt lake water and even seawater. The United States Geological Survey estimates that the world's magnesite and brucite resources are 12 billion tons and millions of tons, respectively, while the resources of dolomite, forsterite and magnesite-containing evaporated rock minerals are at similar levels. The latest U.S. Geological Survey report on magnesium compounds examines the production of magnesite and notes that it is all


Magnesite is often composed of iron and manganese instead of magnesium, but the iron content of natural magnesite is generally not high. Magnesite crystals are three-dimensional carbonate minerals, usually crystalline granular or cryptic dense block, the latter also known as porcelain magnesite, white or gray, iron yellow to brown, glass luster. It has complete cleavage of rhombohedral and porcelain magnesite has shell fracture. Moss hardness 3.5~4.5, specific gravity 2.9~3.1. Magnesium hydroxide flame retardant manufacturers tell magnesite in China's regional distribution: magnesite, commonly known as white pine. The main ingredients are magnesium carbonate, hardness 3.5-5, origin in Zimbabwe  Brazil, Australia and China.


China is a country with abundant resources of magnesite in the world. The distribution of magnesite resources in China is highly concentrated. At present, the proven resources of magnesite in China are mainly distributed in nine provinces, Liaoning, Shandong, Tibet, Xinjiang, Gansu and Hebei. Among them, Liaoning has the largest reserves of resources.


Liaodong area of Liaoning Province is the largest area of magnesite resources in China and even the world, accounting for 84% of the national magnesite resources, and its ore quality is also very good. The total identified resources of magnesite in Liaoning Province and Shandong Province accounted for 95 per cent of the total, of which 3.516 billion tons were identified in Liaoning Province, accounting for 86 per cent of the national identified resources, and 364 million tons in Shandong Province, accounting for 9 per cent of the total.


magnesite is a magnesium carbonate mineral, which is the main source of magnesium. After the solution containing magnesium acts on calcite, it will make calcite become magnesite, so magnesite also belongs to calcite family. Magnesium-rich rocks also change to magnesite. Iron is often found in magnesite, which is the result of replacing magnesium with iron or manganese. The magnesite is white or grayish white with a glassy luster, and iron-containing magnesite appears yellow to brown. If the crystal appears to be granular, if the crystal does not appear to be massive. In addition to refining magnesium, magnesite can also be used as refractory and magnesium-producing compounds.


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